Sunday, May 25, 2008

Taking Your Basal Body Temperature

Your body temperature reflects your metabolic rate, which is largely determined by hormones secreted by the thyroid gland. The function of the thyroid gland can be determined by simply measuring your basal body temperature. All that is needed is a thermometer.

Shake down the thermometer to below 95° and place it by your bed before going to sleep at night.

On waking, place the thermometer in your armpit for a full 10 minutes. It is important to make as little movement as possible. Lying and resting with your eyes closed is best. Do not get up until the 10 minute test is completed.
After 10 minutes, read and record the temperature and date.
Record the temperature for at least three mornings (preferably at the same time of day) and give the information to your physician. Menstruating women must perform the test on the second, third and fourth days of menstruation. Men and postmenopausal women can perform the test any time.

Your basal body temperature should be between 97.6° F and 98.2° F. Low basal body temperatures (below 97.6° F) are quite common and may reflect hypothyroidism. Common signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism are:
Difficulty in losing weight
Dry Skin
Lethargy or fatigue
Menstrual problems
Recurrent infections
Sensitivity to cold

High basal body temperatures (above 98.2° F) are less common, but may be evidence of hyperthyroidism. Common signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism include:
Anxiety attacks
Bulging eyeballs
Fast pulse
Inability to gain weight
Menstrual problems

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