Saturday, March 7, 2009

When treatments go bad - at hair salon

At the hairdresser

Problem spot: chemicals and relaxers

In 2007, doctors at Chicago L. Sumner Koch Burn Center reported that one couple had received chemical burns to more prominent in the local saloon. She was hospitalized and received skin grafts and was left with two 3 cm bald patches on top of his head.

While this type of serious injuries are rare, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) said that Straighteners and hair dyes are among the top consumer complaints and can cause itching all, the raw skin of difficulty breathing. "I've had patients who have had allergic reactions, and their faces swollen eyelids or break in the lounge after the hives, hair treatments," says Dr. Dele.

Protect yourself

If you feel a burning sensation on the scalp as you color your hair, your stylist alert and flushing of chemicals possible. Also, make sure your technician is paying attention when carrying hot blow dryers, hair curlers and irons.

"Ask your stylist of any evidence of chemicals in his elbow the day before reaching their hair to make sure that you are not allergic," says Dr. Dele.

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