Monday, June 29, 2009

Michael Jackson -- Death by Medicine, How to Avoid this?

Michael Jackson, dead at age 50. Probable Cause of death: medicine. Celebrities in the U.S. are killer drugs faster than their sometimes wild lifestyle. The list of great men are killed by medication only in the last year: Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger and Anna Nicole Smith. Michael Jackson is the most recent celebrity to be killed by drugs.

Taking drugs can kill

Michael Jackson was the pain and possibly other benzodiazepine drugs. Both drugs produce physical and mental depression. Drugs produce adverse effects.

The right question to ask before he or she have any drugs for any situation is: "How much damage am I willing to live or die with the desired effects I'm looking for?" Remember that the impact on the upper edge of the former drug-action and creates a deteriorating condition, even if you do not immediately perceive.

Each individual will react differently to medications. There is no such thing as a drug, according to the laws of nature, like gravity or liability. Every drug, even over the counter medications such as aspirin or Tylenol, kill more people each year than the flu.

Who's Making A Killing the sale of drugs

Who benefits by the people, drugs and the effects of damage? The people and companies that produce, market, sell and make a living with drug sales.

Many people in the industry want to sell drugs to help others be healthier and happier. Few want people to suffer or experience loss. But why are people not better than drug effects, before they begin looking for them?

The doctors have told patients not taking drugs, when all the bad effects were well publicized. Therefore, doctors are not their Hippocratic oath. Part of that oath is to warn and full disclosure to patients on the effects of drug therapy.

Drug sales fueled by effective marketing popular for the general population and physicians, medical students and organizations such as the FDA and Health Canada on this side of the border.

Currently, pharmaceutical sales representative, the so-called "Drug Details", at the doctors and government leaders about the risks and benefits of drug therapy. Most drugs are details rented for their appearance, communication and seller of drugs.

Get the full disclosure of all drug offenses effects from your doctor or pharmacist

Where does this leave the consumer? A victim of drug or innocent spectators of the damage caused by ignorance. Doctors have a duty to their patients. Physicians should inform their patients fully informed of all medicines impacts suggest drug use.

Alternative Recommendation First, either by an integrative physician or alternative medicine doctor, you can prevent further suffering, your doctor ignorance.

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