Monday, August 3, 2009

How stress, diet affect your skin

You may feel 40 and fabulous (and you!), But your skin may be over. Lifestyle habits can be broken or the actual age of your skin, then for better or worse. As you care for your people is key, too. You skin friend or foe? Take advantage of our research has proven tips to stop and reverse the premature-aging.

Your Younger Skin Strategy

1. Wash at night. "The most important point for cleaning the person before you hit the sack," said, Doris Day, MD, New York-based dermatologist. Dirt, bacteria, makeup and left on overnight can cause irritation of the skin, clog pores and cause breakouts. Remove this top layer of dirt with a gentle face wash (the skin should feel pleasantly tight for a period of 10 to 15 minutes after cleansing), which also allows anti-penetrate deeper managers to improve results. Since oil production dips to the hormonal changes in your 40, cleaning twice a day can dry out your face and wrinkles appear more pronounced. To refresh your skin in the morning, splash with warm water.

2. Be vigilant about UV protection. Nothing is more important than wearing sunscreen (ideally, SPF 30), if you want a young promising skin. Even 10 minutes of daily exposure UVA "aging" rays may cause changes that lead to wrinkles and blemishes in the sun a mere 12 weeks. If your moisturizer is not formulated with a built-in a broad spectrum SPF-30 sunscreen, be sure to use one as a daily block UVA and UVB rays.

3. Manage stress. Emotional upheaval may make your skin look 5 years older than your chronological age, said New York City dermatologist Amy Wechsler, and a psychiatrist, MD, author of The Mind-Beauty Connection. Constant anxiety increases the stress hormone cortisol, which causes inflammation that destroys collagen. It also causes a chain of responses that can lead to facial redness and acne outbreaks. To suppress the inflammation, there are antioxidant-rich foods such as berries, oranges, and asparagus. When you feel tense, Wechsler recommends several minutes of deep breathing (inhaling through the nose, hold for 3 counts, and the release through the mouth).

4. Use the retinoid. Studies show that these vitamin A derivatives turnover rate of cells and collagen to smooth fine lines and growth of wrinkles and brown spots disappear. Prescription strength retinoids such as Renova provide quick results, you'll begin to see changes in about a month. To help acclimate to any skin redness and peeling, apply only to pea size drop on your face every third night, the building the night before use. Milder versions of OTC (look for retinol) is gentler, although it may take up to 3 months to see visible results.

5. Update your skin routine. Change one thing about your treatment every 6 to 12 months, jump-starts a dramatic improvement in tone and texture. "In applying the products constantly, your skin slides in maintenance mode after one year," says New Orleans dermatologist Mary P. Lupo, MD. To keep his willingness to rejuvenation, to replace the cream that contains alpha-hydroxy acids for your prescription retinoid twice a week to increase profits. Or Bump your off-retinoid to the Rx formula.

6. Eat omega-3. These "good fats" in foods such as salmon, flaxseed, and almonds boost of hydration, which keeps skin soft and hard. The same is not true for saturated fats in dairy and meat products, which increase free radical damage, which makes the skin more susceptible to aging. Limit saturated fat to 17 grams daily.

7. Exercise regularly. The research found that women who regularly have a good skin than nonexercisers. Reason: Exercise infuses the skin of oxygen and nutrients needed for the production of collagen. To soften the skin, to make time for at least three 30-minute heart-pumping exercise per week.

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