Friday, May 14, 2010

The Tests Women Really Need [part3]

High Cholesterol
For adults 20 and older, a total cholesterol exam in the form of a simple blood test can assess your risk of heart disease.

Do it: Annually if your LDL, or "bad," cholesterol measures more than 130. If it's lower, get tested every five years.

Under/Over-Active Thyroid
An underactive thyroid, also measured via blood test, can lead to weight gain; an overactive thyroid can indicate an autoimmune disease.

Do it: Every two years if you're over 35 or show symptoms.

Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
Screenings for these STDs, which can cause pelvic inflammatory disease, are done with a cervical swab.

Do it: Annually if you're under 25 and sexually active, or older with multiple partners

The new HPV DNA test is used to detect the sexually transmitted infection in women over 30. It is performed on the same specimen taken at the time of your Pap smear.

Do it: Talk to your doctor about setting up a testing schedule.

Blood Pressure
It can be an early indicator of heart disease and kidney failure, and is sussed out with a sphygmomanometer (that pump-and-arm-cuff device).

Do it: Every two years if your readings are normal, or every year if they're abnormal.

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