Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Top Ten Benefits Of rehearsal

Most habitancy still get slight or no exercise.

Why? My guess is that ninety percent of them plainly have no idea what will happen to them because they don't. And, they have no clue how their lives would improve if they did.


In some ways this is in effect understandable. No one is immune from failing to act when they don't know what's at stake if they don't.

Here's an example that happened to me.

My dentist told me to get diagnostic xrays to catch underground cavities early. But he didn't lay out for me what might well happen to me if I didn't. So I passed on the xrays.

I wound up having to have a tooth pulled & got the pleasure of suddenly having to pay for a root canal on someone else tooth.

If my dentist had asked if I wanted to lose any of my teeth or quoted the going rate for a root canal & asked me if I wanted to have to pay that by surprise, I'd have right on said no.

Had he then said that if I passed on the diagnostic xrays, I was possibly saying yes to losing a tooth & getting to pay for a root canal by surprise, I'm virtually clear I would have Ok'd the xrays.

So, for those of you who don't yet know, here are the top 10 reasons to rehearsal regularly.

1. You think better.

2. You are much less likely to organize memory & reasoning problems.

3. You are more resilient because it takes more to make you feel stressed & you overcome it & recover faster.

3. You are much less likely to organize heart disease or have a heart attack.

4. Surprisingly, you are less likely to organize cancer.

5. Your chances of avoiding type Ii diabetes or reversing it go up dramatically.

6. Because you'll be stronger & more physically fit aerobically, you'll have more durability & power reserves if or when you need them in physically consuming emergencies. And even doing more general things like grocery shopping will be far easier.

7. Particularly if you also work at improving your rehearsal schedule & your progress in it & eat right, you'll be firmer or more muscular & you'll be a lot less fat.

(Depending on how fat you are now & what you eat, you may well weigh a Lot less.)

So you'll move better. You'll look better. And, you'll tend to be more consuming sexually.

8. You'll live longer & be in good condition a bigger ration of your life. So your years in good condition will be much longer.

9. You'll be more proactive & efficient -- because exercising commonly teaches those skills & changes your self image in that direction as a result.

10. Your sex life will be better. And, as you get older, it will be Much better. This is true for both men and women.

More data on exercise, eating right, staying health, & living long is posted on the:

Focus on condition blog at http://www.iehealth.blogspot.com

The Top Ten Benefits Of rehearsal

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