Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to Deal With Migraines

Don’t go overboard with caffeine though. While you may feel temporary relief from a large dose, you may then experience caffeine withdrawal with symptoms including migraines and rebound headaches.

Visit A Specialist

If your migraines are eating away at your sick days, occurring frequently and disturbing your life, you should ask your family doctor to refer you to a specialist. Migraines can be hereditary, they can be caused by food sensitivity or may be due to dozens of other reasons. A specialist will be able to help you to decrease the number of migraines you suffer and potentially cut them out all together. If simple treatments do not work, a specialist will be able to determine a treatment that will.

Learning To Cope

For some people, migraines are a fact of life. Learning how to deal with migraine pain effectively is as important as learning how to prevent them in the first place. If you learn to recognize your own migraine signals, then medicate using ibuprofen because of its anti-inflammatory benefits and have a cup of coffee or a can of soda. You should be able to go on with your day, instead of finding yourself bed-bound.

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