Monday, February 23, 2009

Tongue can tell about your health (1)

You May not your language of thought, but chances are your doctor. "Telling a patient to remain in their language is a valid way to begin consideration of a person," says Dr. Jordan S. Josephson, a physician at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York and author of Sinus Relief Now. "In fact, in Chinese medicine they believe that the language actually reflects all the diseases of the body." If you have a language problem mystery, Josephson recommends to go to the otolaryngologist certified board (most commonly known as the ear, nose and throat specialist).

White coating

When the language looks sort of white paste and plates or in its entirety, it is an indication that there is probably some kind of infection on the tongue, as a bacterial or autoimmune-related inflammatory disease. One possible cause: Thrush, which is a proliferation of Candida (also called yeast) bacteria. Once the infection is treated with anti-fungal drugs (either topical or oral) and the infection disappears, the language will return to health rose shade.

Too dark

Good hygiene of the language must have a warm, pink, so when it is dark brown or black, you need to ask why. And chances are, the answer will be in your diet, lifestyle or your medicine cabinet. The filiform papillae on the top of the language, especially if they are long can easily take on stains of different colors or food, beverages, antibiotics, pellets, etc. that you eat, "says Sol Silverman, Jr. , DDS, a spokesman for the American Dental Association. A side effect of taking bismuth medications (like Pepto Bismol) is that the language May temporarily turn black. And drink lots of coffee, tobacco or chewing tobacco can stain language brownish tint. The good news is that in both cases it is probably fair to tinted food or medicines, you simply brush the language a few times, it should contribute to fading delivered in the shade. Although the coloring May not be permanent, beware that any form of tobacco use increases the risk of oral cancer.

Getting hairy

"The top of the tongue is covered with small projections called papillae filiform," says Silverman. "They are made of keratin, the same protein that hair is, but they are not really the hair." And in normal circumstances, you will not even notice them. But certain conditions can cause to grow, giving the language a "hairy" appearance. Several factors could be the source of the filiform papillae to grow, including a bacterial infection , taking antibiotics, or have a very dry mouth.

Sore spots

May they be small, but canker sores or mouth ulcers (which can occur anywhere in the mouth, including language) can be extremely painful. "Most things that happen in the mouth are multi-factorial," says Silverman. And these wounds are not an exception. In general, people with a genetic predisposition to getting cankers will arise when d ' other factors enter into a place like having a cold or fever, excessive eating of citrus fruits, or biting the tongue. But keep an eye on these spots. A normal cankers heal and disappear within a week to 10 days. Something that lasts longer and does not seem to go away could be a sign of oral cancer and should be checked by your doctor immediately.

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