Thursday, January 19, 2012

Home Exercise Program

Putting together a home exercise program can be a little bit overwhelming if you don't have a clear set of goals laid out in front of you. Take a commonsense approach and commence with increasing your current fitness level in little steps. Don't try to do everything all at once.

A basic workout routine consists of five days total with three of the days focused on training with weights and two days aimed at improving cardio conditioning. The program should have at least 2 days off for the body to rest and recoup.


Your home fitness program should emphasize building off a strong foundation with the greatest benefits focusing on results in the least amount of time. You should be exercising in the most effective way possible to burn the greatest amount of calories in a short period of time, while getting functional strength that can be used in everyday activities.

Building up Flexibility

Stretching should be at the forefront of your home exercise program because improved flexibility increases performance and reduces the risk of injury.

Stretching will help the joints with movement through a full range and increase blood flow to all the muscles.

Focus on static and dynamic stretching when planning a fitness routine. Static stretching requires you to extend the muscle to its farthest point and hold it, and dynamic stretching uses the momentum from specific movements to increase flexibility.

When performing a stretch program make sure to work the whole body from top to bottom and use your own judgment as to how long to hold a position. Stretching should not be painful, do what you can and you'll see improvements in your flexibility over time.

Cardiovascular Training

There are a ton of options to pick from when adding cardio endurance training to a home exercise program. Pick activities that will be fun and enjoyable, don't be scared to change it up and add variety to the routine.

The home fitness enthusiast has an endless amount of machines to pick from to build up their endurance. Treadmill, elliptical trainer, and rowing machines are all excellent options and each one has its place in a good workout plan, but don't forget that walking and running are just as efficient.

The duration of the cardio conditioning will depend on the level of fitness and the desired benefits. A good guideline to go by is 2-3 times a week with a minimum time per workout of 30 minutes. If you are a beginner, do what you can and build up your conditioning to get to your desired time.

Weight Lifting

Weight training is a great way to build up strength and muscular endurance. Weighted resistance forces the muscles to contract and adapt by getting stronger. A weight training home exercise program will revolve around the number of sets you do and how many repetitions of each movement.

Start with three sets of eight repetitions for the areas of the body being trained and use seventy percent of the maximum weight you can lift. Use correct form when performing the techniques to get the most out of the movement and to prevent injuries.

You can start a basic weight lifting program with a barbell and weights and a good set of adjustable dumbbells. The program should hit all the major muscle groups and focus on full body movements to build up functional strength.

A basic home exercise program starts with the fitness enthusiast coming up with a few good home gym ideas and putting them into practice. Make adjustments as you see improvement in your fitness level. Some of the best programs put into place revolve around having fun.

Home Exercise Program

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