Sunday, March 11, 2012

Timing What You Eat is Equally Important As Your Workout Itself!

Do you know that when and what you eat has an impact on your exercise performance, your feeling and your energy level? The consequence of eating incorrectly and at the wrong time could adverse impact you, and making the effort of exercise going down the drain.

Your meals, snacks and drinks have to be well planned and coordinated to mindfully make the most out of your exercise routine.


The fact is carbohydrates are the main source of energy your body uses, which actually has small amounts stored in the body. Once this source of energy has been business, your body uses stored fat for energy.

It is paramount to never enter a workout hungry. Starting an exercise in an energy state deficit, this is counter productive actually foil your workout objectives as the bodyis likely to be hold on to the fat store and having low blood sugar. It is like driving with an empty fuel tank, you are most likely to feel light headed and dropout from your exercise sooner than you intended.

Gear up by consuming high carbohydrates, low-fat, and energy-boosting food 30-90 minutes before exercise. This will make the most out of your exercise. Food which falls into such category is yoghurt, bananas, cracker squares. You need to gauge and change the time depending on your meal size. Avoid exercising after a hefty meal as it may cause cramping and stitching, extensive sluggishness, since both your digestive system and your muscles are in a battle with each other for energy sources. Your body will be a victim if you exercise right after a large meal. I have a smallmeal portion before your workout.

Also during the exercise, remember to keep your body hydrated. The presence of water in your body ensures that you can safely sustain physical activity. Drink at least 0.25 litres of water every 15-20 minutes of your workout.

If you have a high-intensity workout lasting more than an hour, you need to watch what and when you eat too! This is because in the first 45 minutes post-workout, your body enters a metabolic window where the enzymes responsible for replenishing energy stores and muscle building are at their peak. So if you can eat as soon as you can after your workout, since now you know that time is the essence to get your post-workout nutrients. It is important to consume a meal with a good carbohydrates and protein mix to restore muscleglycogen and reduce the amount of fat your body stores. Do not eat any fat. Carbohydrates is actually very important post workout, because if you do not have enough of it, your body will actually break down your muscle tissues for the purpose of replenish glycogen stores.

Go for simple carbohydrates such as potatoes and protein such as chicken or fish, egg whites. By coordinating what and when you eat pre and post workout, you will fully maximize your workout and gain optimal effects.

Timing What You Eat is Equally Important As Your Workout Itself!

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