Monday, May 28, 2012

Statin Drugs Are Getting on Your Last Nerve?

Statin drugs have become top-sellers in the area of prescription medications and there are over 130 possible side effects that can be rather unpleasant or annoying.  It is time that you do not let the pharmaceutical companies steal your most valuable possession: your health!

Cholesterol is an insulator of nerve fibers, as well as the main component in the structure of cell walls in the body.  If the coating or the cell wall breaks down, then you can start noticing changes in a person's ability to function normally.  Many people who are taking statin drugs are noticing the same symptoms as those associated with neurological disease or damage.  They include chronic fatigue, depression, senility, ALS and mini-strokes.

Health Care

The natural medicine worldbelieves that the widespread use of statin drugs in this country are to blame for many of these problems.  The statin drugs do so little for a person in the first place and people need to be aware and warned.  If you, or someone you know, are taking these drugs and show signs of muscle weakness, cramps, twitching, slurred speech, difficulty walking or motor skills, nerve pain, depression, or memory loss, then it is time to consider alternative treatments.

It seems nowadays, we are finding all sorts of cures for problems we never knew we had.  Television is full of perscription drug commercials telling us to "ask your doctor" about this or that latest miracle drug.  Of course, the announcer inside rattles off an endless array of side effects, most of whichsound worse than the disease itself.

It appears that the money is found in the masses and when that is not large enough, the threshold gets raised or lowered depending on the disease, which increases the number of people needing treatment.  All of a sudden, millions of other-wise healthy people, are instantly "at risk."

What is a person to do?

1. Take charge of your own health by practicing healthy prevention.  This means making a point of eating healthy meals every day and getting some form of exercise, both of which will help lower blood pressure and cholesterol naturally.

2. Find healthy alternatives that will help your body do what it wants to do-heal itself without drugs.  For example, one way to lower cholesterol is bytaking apple pectin in supplement form or as the old saying goes, "an apple a day keeps the doctor away."  It is available at your local health food store or you could choose organic apples whenever possible, to avoid the pesticides found on the skin, and eat an apple dipped in almond butter.  Eating oatmeal and lots of fibrous fruits and vegetables will help lower cholesterol naturally.  Another supplement to consider is Chromium PIcolinate which helps to establish blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol naturally.  If you are diabetic, please check with your doctor first before taking chromium picolinate or any supplement for that matter because if you are taking insulin, it will make it work much more efficiently.

3. Do as muchresearch as you can about the disease you are dealing with and find ways to help your body heal itself and reverse or eliminate the disease.  You are the best person to take care of your own health.

4. Eat fish-it will contribute to your longevity.  Historically, the Japanese have experienced less heart disease, depression, prostate and breast cancer, so make a point of eating fish several times per week.  The proof is in the pudding.

Statin Drugs Are Getting on Your Last Nerve?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

This ubiquinol article says you should consider taking coq10 supplements if you're under statins. Will that really help?