Thursday, June 14, 2012

Shake Off Your Old Habits to Lose Fat Quickly

It is definitely hard to shake off the old habits but to regain health by making efforts to lose fat quickly, you must change your lifestyle and the way you eat, and what you eat.

To lose fat quickly, you should eat well and healthy diet and should do your exercises regularly. Your diet plan will give you more results than your exercises. So you should give prime importance to your diet regimen.


If you first want to know which things you should not eat the foods that top the list are the junk foods and processed foods. They contain no nutrients but they can add to your fat heavily. Further, processed foods invariably come with preservatives that are toxins armed with free radicals to harm your health. To exorcise these free radicals, you need a good dose ofantioxidants. It is better not to invite such troubles, and so you should avoid eating them to lose fat quickly.

You should also avoid eating bad fats that come from fried foods, oily and spicy foods. Though your body needs fats for the sake of having a sharp brain, you must try to get good fats that come from olive oil and fish oil.

Then as carbohydrates. You have both good and bad carbohydrates. You need to ensure that you get only good carbohydrates that give you good energy without increasing your fat. Bad carbohydrates are all-pervasive and are present in sweets, pastries, candies, ice creams, cakes and foods that are made from white flour and processed flour. You should keep all these bad carbohydrates out of your list and choose only eating good carbohydrates that areabundantly present in fruits and vegetables. Vegetables and fruits belong to the fibre family that also contains wholesome grains and beans.

This fiber family supplies to your body good quantities of vitamins and minerals and some fruits and vegetables are good antioxidants also. These are all popularly called as fat-burning foods because you do not increase your fat even if you eat them in good quantities. Further by eating them, you will feel full very soon, and hence you will under-eat your regular food. Thus you can lose fat quickly. The fiber content that is present in these fiber foods is good and make your digestive system swift. If you have a sweet tooth, eating fruits is a great way to fulfill that desire also. You have so extensive a choice available in these fruits andvegetables that you can satisfy your taste factor also. In fact, researchers have found that those who eat a variety of these foods find it easy to shed the fat than those who choose to eat only a few among them.

You should also reduce your intake of beverages like coffee and tea because you take them usually with cream and sugar. Black coffee or tea without sugar will not add to your fat, but they contain stimulants "that causes a different type of harm to your system. However, green tea is a great antioxidant, and it bestows immense benefits to your body.

Exercises must be performed to lose fat quickly. Your exercise regimen must include weight-training exercises cardio exercises apart from. If you succeed in getting a good muscle mass by doing your weight-training exercises,the job of burning calories is done by your muscle mass. This is because your muscle mass keeps burning your calories throughout the day, even when you are not doing your exercises.

So by adopting this approach that combines a good diet regimen and a purposeful exercise regimen, you are sure to lose fat quickly.

Shake Off Your Old Habits to Lose Fat Quickly

1 comment:

Sherry Osborn said...

Many people simply rely on exercise alone when attempting to lose fat and gain muscle tone, but by not following an effective fat burning diet they are slowing, or even preventing and real progress Anybody wanting to get into top physical condition needs to follow a proper ?fat burning? diet by choosing the right fat burning foods,